Feeling Inspired…

I was recently inspired. A presenter at a training course on Friday delivered his message with enthusiasm and humour and hooked us all in. It prompted a thought however, I could not remember the last time working in education had inspired me. Now, don’t get me wrong at this point – I love, LOVE my job! I can’t imagine not doing it or ever stopping working with children. Building them a better future is incredible!

inspiraI think that I have allowed myself of late to become swallowed up with that data driven, target driven, work for works sake ethos that can overtake a struggling school. Well, no more! This post today serves more of a reminder of what should ALWAYS be number one on the priority list and also as a book review. If this book untitled(from the trainer and already on its way from Amazon!) does no more than to inspire me, it has already paid for itself. I doubt that it will stop there though. I have faith that this book will serve to enhance practice in our setting and even go some way to change our stars. Oh for that fabled day when I get to see a happy and inspired staff again…

If you have children or are an educator I urge you to look him up…@Hywel_Roberts

Be Well 🙂

Love, to a child, is spelt T-I-M-E


A warm continuous relationship is the most important building block to emotional security. Responding quickly and in a caring manner to the needs of a child makes them think ‘the world is a nice place, someone is there for me.’

You can encourage emotional security by giving hugs and cuddles, singing together, sharing stories, playing games and showing your interest in the child. Valuing and liking them for who they are.

Make special time each week to catch up with how they feel, what they have done or even asking them if anything is bothering them.

Time spent giving positive attention such as listening, chatting, having fun and noticing them will give them the healthiest gift of all, great self esteem!


Be well 🙂

What children really need…



Child Speak – I need for you adult, to enter into my world and show interest in me. Stop what you are doing. Be with me.

Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition without attempting to change it, protest or exit. The concept is close in meaning to ‘acquiescence’, derived from the Latin ‘acquiēscere’ (to find rest in).
