Nurture, and relax…

e&s edit

A little project of mine that came to life in September 2013. Was an absolute honour to set up and has given us all great delight with such amazing results!!

Everyone needs a bit of nurture sometimes,

Be well




Psychology in schools…


This was a new experience for me folks! I love and adore my job and know it inside out and upside down, BUT I was then asked to talk about elements of what I do on camera! Why is it the most confident and able of us can be reduced to a gibbering wreck as soon as a camera is pointed at us? Must work on nerves!

Would love to hear your thoughts on our work (tips for speaking on camera are also most welcome ha!)

Be well 🙂


Ear power!!!!

When your shoulder hurts, do you ignore it? Or do you pause to figure out what might be causing the pain and how you might repair the difficulty?

When you feel lonely, do you deprecate yourself for feeling that way, or do you aim to figure out what you might do to alleviate the loneliness?

When those around you share their concerns, distresses and vulnerable feelings with you, do you listen to understand? Or do you brush their words aside as burdensome inconveniences, dismissively label their concerns ‘foolish’ or ‘stupid,’ or negate what you heard with “But…” and explain what is wrong with those thoughts?

Listen with genuine interest to your own quiet inner voice and to others’ in order to understand. Listen to share others’ sorrows and to celebrate their joys. Listen to learn from others when their viewpoints differ from yours . Listening is loving.

Emotional Health…


Yesterday I was told I had qualified as a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist! But I am a teacher. I am an Inclusion Manager. I am a mom. I am NOT a therapist. Why did I work so hard for this?

Emotional wellbeing has been described as ‘a holistic, subjective state which is present when a range of feelings, among them energy, confidence, openness, enjoyment, happiness, calm, and caring, are combined and balanced’.

In school life other words come in to play to describe this concept of emotional health and well being, for example emotional literacy, emotional intelligence and social and emotional competence. This forms part of the wider concept of mental health, which encompasses both the promotion of positive mental health and also the tackling of mental health difficulties. Whatever you call it, perhaps the key issue is that schools have a direct influence on the emotional health of their pupils and staff; and that this, in turn, has an impact on academic and other achievement.

What do you guys think? Can we learn if we are not at peace emotionally? I would love to hear your thoughts on this and if anyone has any fabby ideas how we can always strive for improvement in this area when it comes to school life I am all ears. Or eyes!

Be well
