What children really need…




Child speak – I need you to show me your love through hugs, cuddles, sitting on your knee and you telling me that you love me.

Affection is a state of mind associated with a feeling or type of love.  It can be the warmth that we show those we care about and the break through of physical and emotional barriers. A child who is massaged, tickled, swung safely into the air by his parents safe hands to be caught in their arms is likely to be securely attached and more emotionally healthy.

To show affection in the form of a hug is also a healing therapy. The nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety. So, hug the ones you love today folks and start this week off with some affection!


Be well 🙂



What children really need…


Appreciation. Child speak – I need you to praise me, not just for what I do but also for who I am.

Let’s tell them that we appreciate them. You love their friendliness, helpfulness, humour and enthusiasm.


Appreciation is, in part, the recognition of the quality or the value or the significance of something.

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Have a great weekend folks!

Be well 🙂



What children really need…



Child Speak – I need for you adult, to enter into my world and show interest in me. Stop what you are doing. Be with me.

Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition without attempting to change it, protest or exit. The concept is close in meaning to ‘acquiescence’, derived from the Latin ‘acquiēscere’ (to find rest in).



Why do we Brits find it so difficult to feel proud of our achievements? We belittle them ourselves in order to appease the odd audiences that may surround us. I am guilty of this and almost felt like it would be arrogant to hold my head high and celebrate my new job success. Well no more. We should feel proud and congratulate ourselves on a job well done. Be glad we can push for more, or even make it through the day!! Surround yourself with the positive and shed the negative attitudes in your life and your social network.
Congratulations folks, it’s Friday. We made it. We’re still standing. Feel proud of that and have an amazing weekend.
Be well 🙂
