Reset yourself…


Artificial light allows us to work and play into the wee hours, interfering with the natural light-dark cycle that, over most of human history, began at sunrise and ended just after sunset. But there’s a price to be paid for this modern shifting of biological clocks: research shows that long term indulgence in these late sleep schedules leads to unwanted weight gain and obesity, mood problems, substance abuse, and, of course, morning sleepiness. Light and sleep are critical to good health.

Relaxation strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation and visual imagery have been shown to be extremely effective treatment components for reducing stress and anxiety. These proven techniques encourage mental and emotional health and provide tools for people who suffer from sleeping problems, anxiety and worries.

So, this weekend spend time lying in the soft grass, reset yourself with nature or camping or walking, spend time imagining you are sitting in a peaceful cave or are flying like a bird. These relaxations aim to develop confidence and creativity, I however, will be found travelling through Westeros in my reading corner once my little man is sound asleep…

Be well 🙂

From IP 004

My BEAUTIFUL Vango Airbeam…thing of beauty xxxx